A mini dental implant is a tooth replacement system that includes three components: the mini dental implant, mini screws and mini abutments. A mini dental implant is designed to replace a single missing tooth or support a bridge by placing mini-implants on each side of the missing tooth.
Because they are less invasive than traditional dental implants, mini dental implants provide many benefits to patients such as reduced recovery time and reduced post-operative discomfort.
Advantages of Mini Dental Implants
Mini implants can be placed faster than traditional implants because they require only a small portion of bone to support the device. The mini size makes placing mini-implants possible even in situations where the bone quality or quantity are poor. This ultimately reduces both the surgery time and recovery time for patients who undergo mini-implant treatment.
Due to their miniscule design, mini implants can be used in cases where standard conventional dental implants cannot, such as high risk infection cases or bones with compromised structure due to cancer treatments. Mini dental implants can last 15-20 years and more if the procedure is done skillfully.
The mini dental implant can be placed in a simple surgical procedure that only takes approximately 30 minutes. Using mini dental implants, patients need not fear lengthy treatment periods or extended periods in non-functional states.
The mini dental implant is made of titanium which gives it an edge over other materials available in the market due to its durable nature and bio-compatibility with human tissue. This helps the mini implant bond effectively without causing any negative reactions or rejection issues.
Mini dental implants are one of the most popular tooth replacement systems readily available for patients today. They provide economic value as well as outstanding patient comfort and satisfaction. For these reasons, mini-implants have become the choiced treatment for hundreds of thousands patients worldwide.
Cost of Mini Dental Implants
Mini dental implants are considered a long-lasting solution for those who are missing a tooth (or teeth) due to damage, accident, or decay. They are also considered more affordable compared to conventional implants since they tend to only require one appointment and patients can immediately resume the normal use of their teeth within the same day as the procedure.
With traditional dental implants, it can take between three to six months for the mouth and jaw to completely heal due to the cutting away of the gum to expose the jawbone. The hole that is drilled in the jaw will allow the implant to be placed and screwed in.
The bone will fuse with the implant and will grow over time. This means you may have to wait for a while before you can become accustomed to your new tooth or teeth.
Since mini dental implants work differently and can be placed using modern micro-surgical techniques, they won’t require as much of a healing period. The diameter is also way smaller so the entire mini dental implant procedure is less painful and invasive and therefore won’t take long to heal.
If you are getting mini dental implants, you also won’t need painful and costly bone grafts. This lessens the overall cost of mini dental implants as well as the recovery time. Mini dental implants will require vertical jawbone length since the screws can be long but not as much as the traditional implants.
Mini dental implants also tend to cost only half of the cost of traditional implants. However, do note that the cost of the procedure can vary depending on the patient’s needs and dental issues.