Following your breast surgery, you need to give your tissue time to distribute and for your implant to settle. Bottoming out refers to an implant losing its internal support, which means the implant starts moving toward the lower half of the breast.
Bottoming Out Signs
These are the signs of bottoming out that you will need to look out for:
- The distance between your nipple and the fold under your breast has increased
- The bottom of your breast is bulging
- Your nipples are pointing upwards
Why Bottoming Out Occurs
Sagging of the skin and a lack of internal support are the main reasons why you might bottom out.
Patients with skin laxity, such as those who have recently lost a large amount of weight, are more prone to bottoming out, which is why it’s best to take a more moderate approach when choosing the size of your implant.
A loss of skin elasticity can also be caused by the following:
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding
- High concentrations of breast fat
- Medications and past medical treatments
8 Ways to Prevent Your Implants from Bottoming Out
Choose the right surgeon. While even the best surgeons can have patients that have bottoming out, a skilled and experienced surgeon will be able to help you make the right decisions about the size of your implant and tell whether you have a higher risk for this complication. Carefully review your surgeon’s credentials and experience before you schedule your surgery. Reputable clinics such as Form & Face alsoalways insist on a thorough consultation so that your options can be carefully reviewed.
Understand your body.If you know that you have signs of skin laxity such as stretch marks, be sure to mention them to your surgeon. With that being said, an experienced surgeon should be bringing these signs up with you during your consultation and not the other way around.
Look at different breast augmentation variations.Variations in breast augmentation procedures can make a difference to the longevity of your results so make a point of asking your surgeon about the different options. Where your implants are placed can greatly reduce your risk of bottoming out so make sure that you review all options.
Be wary of large implants. If your breast tissue is particularly thin or has laxity, it’s better to be more modest when selecting an implant size. Also, when large implants are placed on a small frame, it can also make you more prone to bottoming out.
Opt for silicone implants. Since silicone implants are less dense, they are less likely to bottom out.
Carefully follow all post-op instructions. Giving your body enough time to heal will make a big difference to your bottoming out risks so make a point of following all of the instructions given to you at Form & Face after your surgery.
Ask about anchoring structures. Anchoring sutures can be used to secure the deep connective tissue in your breasts, which creates an extra barrier while your implants are settling.
Consider implant textures and capsular adherence. Certain types of implants work better with the internal tissues of the breast because of their texture. This means that the capsule that is formed around the breast implant will be better able to hold its position.