The Latest Trend in Breast Augmentation


From the husky bodies and smaller breasts admired in the Renaissance period to the thin and flat-chested in the 60s to the gravity defying breasts throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, curves have sneaked in and out of fashion in the last century just like an item of clothing.

Smaller breasts have been making a big comeback. Surgeons are seeing a change in the look many breast augmentation patients want. They’re turning away from round, large breasts and moving towards a more natural shape, to give balance to their figure instead of one that dominates their appearance.

If you’re unhappy with the size or shape of your breasts, you are not alone; breast augmentation and implants in Sydney are very popular among Australian women who want to change their appearance for a more natural look.

The Art of Natural-Looking Breast Augmentation

Breast surgery is more customisable than ever before. Decades of research has helped develop aesthetic and surgical methods that have put breast surgery at the front of today’s reconstructive and plastic arena.

The knowledge accumulated through years of investigation from leading surgeons around the world means breast augmentation today offers more individualised results, with reduced recovery time and minimal scarring following surgery.

The implants used in breast augmentation have also been improved through both manufacturing and design. Features to prevent implant rotation, decrease the risk of capsular contracture, implant rupture, and gel diffusion help manage superior results with fewer complications.

Implant Filling

There are two types of implant filling – saline solution and silicone gel – and both are wrapped in an outer shell of silicone.

If implant rupture occurs with saline-filled implants, the saline solution will absorb into the body, and the break will be immediately noticeable. When using silicone gel-filled implants, a rupture is less noticeable and can stay undetected for a long time, which is cause for concern people.


Implants come in teardrop, round, and conical shapes. The round and teardrop shapes are the most popular.

Round implants come in smooth and textured shells. When the patient is upright, a round implant can take a prominent, round shape or a teardrop like curve.

Teardrop implants closely resemble a natural-looking breast. Their structure gives them greater projection in relation to the size of the base, making them ideal for women with little breast tissue. A particular degree of efficiency is required when positioning teardrop implants, because if they shift after surgery, the shape of the breast may be noticeably distorted. To reduce this risk, anatomical implants will always have a textured surface to enable adherence to surrounding tissue.


The surface of breast implants can either be smooth or textured. Smooth-shelled implants are acclaimed for their natural movement and feel; they are relatively easy to insert during surgery and have a thinner shell than textured implants. There is a downside to smooth implants, however, as they have a greater chance of capsular contracture (hardening of the breast), which is a common reason for revision surgery.

In comparison, textured implants – usually coated with polyurethane foam – exhibit greater adherence to surrounding tissue, meaning there is less friction between the implant and breast pocket. This reduces the chance of capsular contracture and protects against implant movement following surgery.


Breast implants can be placed either above or below the pectoral muscle and, in some cases, a dual plane approach means the implant is positioned in both fields.

Subglandular placement is when the implant is placed above the pectoral muscle, beneath the glandular breast tissue. This implant placement is best suited for patients who have enough breast tissue, as this tissue will cover the implant’s edges after insertion. Subglandular implant placement often causes a noticeable “roundness,” and the implant moves relatively naturally in this position after surgery.

If patients have limited soft tissue in the breast area, implants are positioned under the pectoral muscle. This placement helps camouflage the implant edges and can create a natural-looking form at the top of the breasts.

In dual plane placement, the implant is put partly below the pectoral muscle in the upper pole, while the lower half of the implant falls in the subglandular plane. This placement will camouflage upper implant edges and provide full projection in the lower pole, suited to women with a high degree of sag or an accentuated breast fold. It will reduce the defined ‘roundness’ usually associated with subglandular implants and will offer a natural breast contour.