Acupuncture is one of the oldest treatment procedures that are still one of the best and most effective ways of curing pain. The treatment is invasive and involves needles for the major treatment process. Modern acupuncture treatments have come a ...

Now a day many of us remain tensed about to maintain our hairs having aging problems, bad scalp etc. So let’s kick out these problems by introducing FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) which is really helpful to hair transplantation and fix ...

Every year, hundreds of dogs in Australia are caught in road accidents, swallow poisonous substances or suffer from heat strokes. If you have a dog, you should know what to do in such an emergency before visiting your vet and ...

If you would tell people that you are feeling sick, the first advice that you will hear is to go to a doctor. This is the natural response because this is what people are taught at a very young age. ...

Throughout the history of Western medicine, there has always been suspicion of different forms of healing that do not fit Western norms. Traditional Eastern medicine is a great example. Western practitioners have long resisted Eastern medicine under the assumption that ...

Everyone who wants to lose weight will be glad to know how they can lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks using this diet. It will be a dream come true for them. A diet that is sugar-free, lots of fiber ...

If you are among those who are considering blepharoplasty, then you might surely be feeling mixed emotions now. While the feeling of excitement is evident in your eyes, one can also clearly see that that there are worries in you. ...

Testosterone Undercanoate is generic name used to treat low T in males or hypogonadism symptoms. It is a sex hormone formulated to replace or supplement the naturally released testosterone in the male body. How hormone drugs are modified? An ester ...

If you have knee problems that can’t be fixed with medication or other treatments, you may need knee replacement surgery. There are two types of surgeries: total knee replacement and partial knee replacement. There are also different surgical approaches your ...

Erectile dysfunction happens to bring on depression and other signs of anxiety which gravely affects one’s mental and physical being. The much-needed confidence goes for a toss and life in its originality seems much of a struggle. The Helping Hand: ...