Maintain the pH Balance of Growth Medium to Keep Your Plants Healthy

pH balance is necessary for the healthy growth of plants. If the pH balance in soil or water is disturbed, it can hamper its growth. Sometimes, the result can be extreme where the plants may even die.

Thus, it is necessary to maintain good pH balance of the medium that helps in growing plants. It doesn’t matter if it is soil or hydroponics, it is mandatory that the pH balance is checked frequently to maintain healthy plants. There are many kits available in the market that helps in checking the pH balance. The result is quick and not much effort is needed. Also, there are fertilizers available that help in maintaining the balance.

All these things can be bought from one store The Grow Depot located in Toronto, Ontario. The founder, Len Wong, believes in organic environment for the betterment of present and coming generations. He has put his 16 years of skills into this profession and now passes the same knowledge to his customers and clients. His team has answers to all questions related to plants and gardening. You will also get all equipment and products from their online store at reasonable price.

If you want to check the pH balance of your soil or hydroponic medium and modify it, then here are few steps that is necessary to follow –

  • Add fertilizers or nutrient to soil or hydroponic, whichever form you use. If you have added it to soil, then wait for 24 hours, otherwise, for hydroponic, you can wait for just an hour.
  • After the time period is over, take pH examine strip and insert it in the medium to find the pH balance. Every kit has different technique, therefore read the manual properly for proper results.
  • If you find the pH balance to be lower than expected, then mix specific material in water that helps in maintaining the pH factor. These materials are available in any store that deals with planting substance.
  • If the pH test strip shows the medium is highly acidic, then add substance to lower the acidity. You can also add ash, lime, sulphur phosphoric acid, soaked in water, depending upon the requirement of medium.
  • Pour the solution into the soil or to the hydroponic compound in the same manner as if you’re watering your plants.
  • For hydroponic wait for 30 minutes and for soil wit for 24 hours after pouring the solution and check the pH balance again with the test strip. This will tell you if you need to add more solution.

Don’t compromise on tests if you want your plants to grow healthily. Not every time you can hire professionals. So doing some tricky things can help you create a beautiful garden at home.