Why FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is the world’s most effective Hair Restoration


In modern society, influenced by the cine world, the glittering glossy pages of celebrity gossip magazines and the bombardment by advertisements shape people’s ideals of attractiveness. Both societal and cultural pressures dictate our beauty standards and hair – for both men and women – is inextricably linked to health, appearance, and self-confidence. A person struggling with hair loss faces lower self-esteem as a common side effect. One may worry of being looked at as less attractive or find the concerns about hair loss seeping into other areas of one’s life, such as sex drive or ability to find a new job or even being attractive enough to be accepted in social circles.

For hair-loss repairs, you may have probably read about a variety of different treatments that are available to you for hair replacement or implanting as hair transplant procedures continue to evolve.

The most innovative one is called follicular unit extraction or FUE.

What makes it such an effective treatment?

Here, hair transplant is by an autologous transplant surgery using the patient’s cells.  The the procedure minimizes the risk of allergy and avoids transplant rejection. Currently, it is one of the sophisticated hair transplant methods in the world.

FUE is a ground-breaking hair restoration surgery which results in increased hair density after just one session. It removes small bunches of one to four hair follicles from a donor site on each patient’s head or body using a punch-like scalpel and reinsert them into the balding areas on the top and sides of the head or other body areas. Since the grafts are so small, more natural-looking results are produced. After the receptor site is fully healed, it is virtually undetectable.

The main reasons for FUE being the world’s most effective hair restoration technique are:

A natural appearance:  FUE are practically undetectable and the technique does not result in any linear scars in either the donor or recipient area as it is a result of precisely controlled placement and the direction of each hair.

Ideal for early-stage hair loss: FUE is perfect for patients who have just begun losing their hair as less coverage is required to harvest the best-quality follicles.

Quicker and less painful: The procedure is not painful since the scalp is anesthetized before starting. It takes less time.

No stitches or bandages:  FUE is a much less invasive procedure a faster recovery process with no bleeding or suturing. For most patients, the grafts are fully secure within a week after surgery, and the wound in the donor area usually heals within two weeks.

Less risk: The incidence of complication during an FUE procedure is lower than other transplantation methods.

Available to anyone: 100 percent of hair loss sufferers regardless of age, hair texture, complexion or progression of hair loss can be helped.

Nova Medical Hair Transplant Toronto has expertise in FUE, where you can achieve the desired look.