Epilepsy issues and How They are Tackled

Generalized seizures are divided into convulsive and non-convulsive (absences). Here they are: Chronic seizures are the most serious, shocking, frightening parents and others, a type of seizure, but not the most difficult one. Presently, the use of Balance CBD has made the whole treatment process step into a whole new area.

The Difficult Times

Sometimes, several hours or even days before an attack, patients experience some phenomena called precursors, general discomfort, anxiety, aggression, irritability, insomnia, sweating, a feeling of heat or cold, etc. If, immediately before the attack, the patient feels aura (discomfort in the abdomen, visual sensations, the unreality of the environment, etc.), and then loses consciousness, falls, and he has convulsions, then such an attack is called secondarily generalized.

  • During the aura, some patients manage to take safety measures, calling for help from others or reaching the bed. In primary generalized seizures, the patient does not feel an aura, these attacks are especially dangerous for their suddenness. The favourite time for their occurrence is the period shortly after the awakening of patients.
  • At the beginning of the attack (tonic phase), muscle tension occurs and a piercing scream is often observed. During this phase, biting the tongue is possible. Short-term respiratory arrest develops, followed by the appearance of cyanosis (cyanosis of the skin).

The clonic phase of the attack follows:

Rhythmic twitching of the muscles occurs, usually with the involvement of all limbs. At the end of the clonic phase, urinary incontinence is often observed. Convulsions usually stop spontaneously after a few minutes (2-5 minutes). Then comes the post-attack period that is characterized by drowsiness, confusion, headache and sleep onset.

Unconvulsive generalized attacks are called absences


They arise almost exclusively in childhood and early adolescence. The child suddenly freezes (turning off consciousness) and stares intently at one point, the gaze seems absent. Covering the eyes, trembling of the eyelids, and slight tipping of the head can be observed. Attacks last only a few seconds (5-20 seconds) and often go unnoticed. These attacks are very sensitive to hyperventilation – they are provoked by deep forced breathing for 2-3 minutes.

Myoclonic seizures are also distinguished:

Involuntary contraction of the muscles of the whole body, or its parts, for example, the arms or head, while the patient can throw away objects in his hands. These attacks often occur in the morning, especially if the patient does not get enough sleep. Consciousness during attacks of this type is saved. Atonic attacks are characterized by a sudden complete loss of muscle tone, in connection with which the patient drops sharply. Convulsive contractions are absent. Children of the first year of life have a special type of severe seizure of infantile cramps. These attacks occur serially in the form of nods, folding the body, bending the arms and legs. Children with this type of seizure usually lag behind in motor and mental development.

In total, there are about 40 different forms of epilepsy and various types of seizures. The doctor must conduct the necessary examination and in each case accurately diagnose the form of epilepsy and the nature of the attacks. The choice of a specific antiepileptic drug and the appointment of a treatment regimen depend on the form of epilepsy.