It’s not always easy to know when it’s time to see a pain doctor near me. Sometimes, the pain is manageable, and you can wait a few weeks or months before seeking help. But sometimes, it feels unbearable. In this article, we will help you find out 8 signs that you need to see a specialist right away:
1. You’ve already tried everything
You’ve tried physical therapy, and it didn’t help. You’ve taken as much as you can stand of over-the-counter pain medications, and none of them seem to do the trick anymore. Even your trusty heating pad, Tylenol, and Advil aren’t giving you relief anymore… It’s time to consider the possibility that your pain might be something you need to take seriously. The next step is usually a visit to a pain specialist.
2. You have pain that doesn’t go away
If you have been in chronic pain for several months, likely, your doctor has already put you through a host of treatments to try and relieve the pain. If those treatments haven’t worked or brought adequate relief, it might be time to consider a specialist who can help you navigate the different treatment options.
3. You feel like you’ve been to every doctor in town, and no one can help you
Suppose you have seen several doctors and tried several different treatments with little or no relief. In that case, this is a sure sign that your condition is serious and that it’s time to see a specialist who has access to a larger range of treatments and expertise in pain management. If your family doctor tells you that there isn’t anything else he can do for you, then it’s time to consider seeing a pain specialist in Omaha.
4. You have a history of drug abuse or addiction
If you have a history of substance abuse, particularly to strong painkilling drugs such as heroin and morphine, seeing a specialist is critical to your recovery from pain and your return to health. A specialist will be able to help you manage the pain so that you are no longer dependent on potentially harmful substances.
5. You have a neurological disease or condition
Unfortunately, chronic pain is common among people who suffer from diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and many forms of cancer. If your disease isn’t in remission or being controlled by medication, then you should consider seeing a pain specialist who can help you manage the pain that goes along with your condition.
This may also interest you: Questions You Should Ask About Pain and Pain Treatment.
6. You have had surgery in the last 6 months or are scheduled for surgery soon
Pain is common after surgery, and it’s also likely to worsen over time without adequate treatment. If you know that you’re going to be having surgery in the near future or have recently undergone surgery, it’s a good idea to talk with a pain specialist before going into surgery so that he can prescribe you medicine to manage post-surgery pain. And if your surgery went well and you want to avoid chronic pain down the road, talking with a specialist is also important!
7. You have a history of cancer or another disease that requires ongoing treatment
Cancer and other diseases such as arthritis typically cause people to suffer from chronic pain once the condition becomes advanced. If you are one of these unfortunate people with an ongoing disease, seeing a specialist who is familiar with your condition will help you manage pain more effectively.
8. You have had a recent injury or trauma
If you have recently been involved in an accident of some kind, the chronic pain that you are experiencing now is very likely to continue longer than you would expect. In fact, it’s not uncommon for people who have been injured in accidents to experience chronic pain for many years after the original injury. A specialist can help you manage this pain so you can continue to lead a normal life.
If you’re experiencing any of these 8 signs, it may be time to see a pain specialist. We hope you get well soon and that this article was helpful!