Life becomes smooth when you are healthy. holistic health can be attained when you are physically, mentally, and spiritually fit. To attain this perfect holistic health, Ashtanga Yoga helps yogis.
The primary series of Ashtanga Yoga is built in terms of flexibility and strength to prepare you for the introductory postures of practice. Each yoga pose in the primary series builds on the other as you progress through the series. The advanced postures in the Ashtanga Yoga Method are magical and intense and deserve the respect a dedicated Mysore practice would earn them.
The traditional method requires you to practice six days a week, which can be a daunting task. It takes an average of 1 month of continuous practice to learn all the postures in Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series. In a way, the logic behind the primary series is to build on certain postures to test alignment, inner strength and flexibility, to ensure that the asana practised progresses solidly and steadily.
For some yoga people, one of the many benefits of yoga practice is improved flexibility, which leads to less pain, more mobility and more health in the body. As you grow older your body becomes more prone to injury, so yoga is a great way to stay fit to enjoy a better quality of life.
In your first course, you will learn the basic breathing and movement techniques known as vinyasa, which guide the opening and closing sequences of an Ashtanga yoga practice. Consider your goals for the practice and build the sequence for the yoga course. When you are ready to close, jump to the final pose to complete your exercise.
In a Mysore class, the teacher will ask you to focus on memorizing the sun salutations, and that is the basis of the entire practice. Once you have established yourself in the basics of these poses, you can continue to include standing and seated poses as you build the entire primary series. If you memorize the sequence of postures, your teacher will determine what is right for you, and the practice will transfer to an unconscious level.
The leading of a class in which new and difficult poses such as Mysore are taught provides a unique opportunity to work alone with the teacher to advance, gain experience and benefit from yoga practice.
Whether you choose a guided class or progress in a Mysore class, Ashtanga practice can be a lifelong partner that helps you become a better person. If you are new to the traditional practice or are just starting, read on to learn more about traditions, series, teaching styles and more.
The South Indian city called “Mysore” is where the Guru of Ashtanga Yoga, K. Pattabhi Jois, lived and taught all his life. The Ashtanga Yoga method is safe and the best way to practice it for students.
Ashtanga and Vinyasa Yoga students are expected to memorize sequences and practice in the same room led by a teacher. Practical physical adjustments are an integral part of Ashtanga Yoga practice, and one of the unique features of the method is that the teacher makes these adjustments to the practice.
Students develop strength, agility and balance in body and mind through exercise. Through practice, your teacher gets to know the students, which helps to create a personal and intimate relationship between teacher and student. The practice is beneficial for the students to develop confidence in their teacher, which will help them to grow and progress in practice.
There are two ways Ashtanga Yoga is taught that are suitable for beginners: If you are just learning postures, I recommend you go to a Mysore style course. Most students start with only half of the primary level, but if you master the asanas better, you will see that in a typical Vinyasa flow class, the teacher adds more and more until you can complete the entire primary level. You may also want to try other asanas in class to learn basic poses before you jump into Ashtanga practice.
For most beginners of Ashtanga yoga, one might wonder how long it takes to remember a specific sequence of postures that are practised across the world. Ashtangas are typically taught in a Mysore style, in which students memorize the poses without a teacher having to lead the class.
On the other hand, if you take a freestyle approach such as Vinyasa or Power Yoga, it can help to broaden your practice and expose you to a greater variety of poses. Various body-guided classes can offer beginners in Ashtanga speed and posture, but it can be too much for complete beginners in yoga. Nevertheless, there are practical and good reasons to put some postures above others when following a yoga sequence.