When is a Veterinary Centrifuge Used?

In hospitals, clinics, and laboratories that provide animal-related services, a veterinary centrifuge is considered one of the most important devices. Centrifuges are either small enough to be placed on workbenches and counters or big enough to stand on the floor. Just like benchtop centrifuges, veterinary centrifuges have several uses.

In animal clinics and laboratories, veterinary centrifuges are used to separate semen, urine, blood, hematocrit, and other samples. Hettich, one the leading companies in the market manufactures different centrifuges that are designed to address the different needs of veterinarians and laboratory workers.

Next generation veterinary centrifuges are designed for quick centrifugation of small volumes of biological fluids. Ideally, the device is used to separate plasma or serum from the blood cells. It is also used to perform anticoagulation blood samples and prepare urine for sediment examinations.

Veterinary centrifuges are also used in the diagnosis of disease and blood disorders. Components of veterinary centrifuge include shafts and rotor, motor that supplies power to the rotor and shafts, and centrifuge head (contains shields or cups that turns on a spindle and covers the rotor).

Veterinary centrifuges manufactured by Hettich are considered one of the best and are often a staple in blood banks, office laboratories, and veterinary labs. Hettich also provides standard and custom accessories that can help enhance its performance. Every unit is also tested accordingly to ensure user safety.