Becoming a surrogate mother is one of the biggest gifts that an individual is able to give to families who cannot conceive or a mother looking to have a child that is unable to herself. Whether you have been a surrogate mother in the past or if you are interested in being a surrogate for the first time, understanding the process and what is involved and required of you helps expedite the process to ensure you are able to participate. Helping another family to have a child is a way you are able to give back to those who are truly in need without contributing your own eggs or DNA throughout the procedure.
What is a Gestational Carrier Surrogate Mother?
A surrogate mother who opts to be a gestational carrier uses eggs from a mother or a donor in addition to sperm provided by a sperm donor or the intended father of the procedure. The embryo itself is created in an IVF lab, fertilizing both the sperm and egg at once before it is transferred to the new surrogate mother to be. The surrogate receives the embryo directly through a traditional transfer process, which is quick in speed and entirely painless. With the gestational surrogate process, mothers are not genetically linked or related to the children they carry and deliver for the wanting parent(s).
What is Required to Become a Surrogate Mother?
Becoming a surrogate mother greatly depends on a number of factors after working with the right doctors, specialists, and fertility teams or companies that are available to meet your needs. Meeting with a fertility clinic that specializes in surrogate cases and IVF is the first step to determine whether or not you qualify to become a surrogate mother yourself.
Most requirements of traditional surrogate mother programs require the female interested to be between the age of 21 and 40 while also holding a valid driver’s license and vehicle to their name. US citizens are often required in addition to the individual who is interested in being a surrogate not to have underlying health complications or issues experienced in past pregnancies or deliveries.
With some surrogate programs, a woman who wishes to become a surrogate mother cannot receive financial aid from the state, or welfare in order to be approved. Criminal background checks are common along with abiding by state laws (as surrogate programs are only available for women in states that have approved surrogacy and are openly accepting new applications for potential surrogate mothers to be). An individual must also have the ability to prove that she is currently living in a stable condition and is capable of providing for herself for the health and sake of the baby she may carry in the future.
Choosing to become a surrogate mother is a way to give life to another human being while also touching the lives of those who are unable to conceive on their own. Alongside compensation for surrogacy, surrogate mothers provide a gift to those who are not as fortunate but truly desire building a family of their own in life.
So, if you are planning for surrogacy you should check surrogacy cost in India.