What are the best vitamins for the nervous system?

When you are reading this sentence, millions of neurons or nerve cells in your brain fire up and connects with one another, linking from recognising the letters and what it looks like in a word, and how the words link to make sentences, all these are captured in light rays and sent to the processing centres in the brain to interpret the sentences and bring meaning to it. And at the same time also linking past knowledge and storing new information as a process of learning. Imagine the countless neurons involved in making such a complicated process work effortlessly every time.

Now we have to understand such seamless execution of its function relies greatly on the health of the neurons. Healthy neurons means quick and effective impulse transmission, better connections, good capacity for self-repair, and doesn’t age prematurely, among others. Therefore, just like we exercise prudence in our diet to maintain good sugar, cholesterol and pressure readings, we need to also be mindful to consume foods that are good for your nervous system, and avoid the foods that may be harmful.

What are the best vitamins for the nervous system?

Vitamins are a group of organic compounds which are required in small amounts by the body obtained from our diet due to inability of the body to synthesize them. Most of the vitamins can be obtained from practicing a healthy balanced diet. However, several restrictions may be present in certain groups of people that significantly limit them from getting sufficient amounts of some vitamins. And the lack of vitamins, in this case, the B vitamins for the nervous system, may cause several nerve-related problems  as well as pain. In this article, we shall talk about Neurobion® for nervous weakness and other associated benefits.

Neurobion®  is a brand of supplements containing a combination of B vitamins, particularly vitamin B1, B6 and B12. Naturally, people can get a healthy dose of these vitamins from meat, eggs, fishes, liver and whole-grains. Several conditions may predispose a person to deficiency in the said vitamins. These include; malabsorption, dietary restrictions, pregnancy, and some disease states such as renal diseases. These vitamins play a synergistic role in maintaining good nerve health. None of them can take over the role of the other, which shows its individual importance and why we need to have sufficient amounts of all the vitamins in our system.

Vitamin B1 aids in providing energy to nerve cells, and this goes a long way due to the nerve cells’ limited energy source coming only from carbohydrates. Adequate continuous energy supply will prevent nerve damage and premature nerve aging. Vitamin B6 on the other hand plays a major role in synthesising neurotransmitters or chemical signals essential in signal transmission and mood regulation. Vitamin B12 plays a pivotal role in nerve maturation, regeneration, regulating cellular metabolism and maintaining the myelin sheath layers in good shape for effective nerve transmission.

How then do these functions aid in helping nerve related problems? Certain conditions such as diabetic polyneuropathy, muscle weakness, pain in the back and neck, tingling sensations are all related to the nerves and their disturbed or deteriorating functions. Supplementing ourselves with the vitamins may address the symptoms, repair the nerves and provide a long-lasting relief. Aside from addressing these problems, they will also help in improving the overall health of the entire nervous system, and in extension, the whole body, so you may experience better sense of wellbeing, improved energy utilisation, improved mental function, and so on and so forth.

Vitamins are undoubtedly necessary for our systems to function properly and we have to get them in our diet. However, they are not the solution for every ailment and disease. Some diseases are not caused by vitamin deficiency and are caused by a completely different pathological process. Therefore, before taking these vitamins to treat your symptoms, make sure to consult your doctor first for an accurate diagnosis and proper management plan.