Bone Grafting For Dental Implants

Bone grafting is a procedure that is performed to reconstruct the bone for the dental implant. Bone grafting is required when the patient has an insufficient bone in the jawbone due to tooth loss, gum disease, or genetics. Bone loss makes it virtually impossible to maintain and support new teeth. Replacing a lost tooth requires adequate bone density to hold the replacement tooth. In a dental implant, the implant’s base is held in place by the surrounding bone tissue and integrated into it. Bone grafting is an important step in dental implants procedure if the patient does not have enough bone. By placing the implant in the gums, the necessary stimulation for bone regeneration is provided again. Therefore, in cases where the patient does not have the appropriate bone density to place the implant, to correct the deficiency, bone grafting in Toronto is recommended before the dental implant procedure. Depending on the patients’ situation, bone grafting can be performed during implant surgery. 

Types of Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is divided into several types, including:

     – Autograft 

In this type of bone grafting, the dentist uses the patient’s bone to perform bone grafting. A limiting factor in this method of bone grafting is the limitation caused by bone removal. Bone grafting in this method involves intra and extra-oral grafts, which is the more common intraoral method. The advantage of this kind of bone grafting is that it does not transmit any disease because it is the patient’s bone.

     – Allograft 

In this type of bone graft, the dentist obtains the required bone from another person. After the bone is removed from the person, it is sterilized by gamma rays and then frozen. Bone can be used in dried or unfrozen form for bone grafting.

This bone should be tested before the bone graft operation to confirm its health and reduce the risk of diseases such as AIDS. The advantage of this type of bone grafting is that the patient does not need surgery to remove the bone from his/her body. The disadvantage of this type of bone graft is the possibility of disease transfer or bone rejection.

     – Xenograft

In this method of bone grafting, the animal bone must be used for bone grafting. The point is that the proteins need to be emptied before bone grafting. One of the materials that can be used is Bio-oss made of cow bone. One of the advantages of this type of bone graft is that it does not require surgery to remove the bone and thus does not transmit any disease. Besides, the disadvantage of this method is the production of many wastes.

     – Alloplastic graft

In some cases, the alloplastic method is used for bone grafting. In this method, alternative materials made in the laboratory are used for bone grafting. Alloplasty is less likely to cause infection but still has less function in bone regeneration than autograft. The alloplastic method uses synthetic materials for bone grafting. These substances can stimulate the patient’s body for healthy bone formation. Contact cosmetic dentist glasgow southside for more help.