Having a dull and gloomy day doesn’t mean you suffer from anxiety. In fact, it’s a quite normal reaction of the mind that happens to everybody. However, the bells of caution start ringing when you start experiencing extreme mood swings accompanied by sweating, shortness of breath, and a stage of extreme fear and increased pulse day in and day out without any clear trigger. Such conditions are a result of ongoing stress and require medical assistance. There are also certain natural and effective ways that can help alleviate anxiety and placate nerves to calm down a sudden panic attack.
How To Identify That You Have Anxiety?
Not all signs of nervousness are anxiety. The anxiety that requires medical assistance is a stressful state of mind that causes confusion, panic, and extreme fear. The symptoms listed below are the first few signs that indicate that you might be on the radar and require help.
● Ongoing thoughts of depression
● Excessive fear without any reason
● Social fear
● Constant detachment from mingling with friends and family
These are a few initial symptoms of anxiety that shouldn’t be ignored.
How To Curb A Sudden Anxiety Attack?
Treating anxiety instantly and anxiety management are 2 different things and the guide below will address both the conditions.
1. Reassuring The Mind
Anxiety is the mind’s sudden reaction to the feeling of being in imminent danger. Thus, reassuring the mind that there’s no danger can calm down anxiety instantly.
● Get up on your feet and do simple chest stretches
● Smell some calming fragrance
● Walk on the grass barefoot
● Sing a soft song
● Chant a soothing mantra like ‘I am strong’, ‘This will pass by’, or anything else that might make you feel stronger and better
2. Hydrate Yourself
Dehydration is the major torchbearer for palpation and palpitation is the first anxiety trigger. Thus, keep hydrated at all times. Also, avoid drinks like alcohol and coffee because they can dehydrate the body.
Lastly, take small sips of cold water when dealing with a sudden anxiety attack. Splash some water on your face as well.
Learning To Live With Anxiety
Anxiety management is the best technique that can reap long-term benefits for people suffering from different kinds of anxiety – Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Phobia, Social Anxiety Disorder, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, and Separation Anxiety Disorder. The best ways of self-help include the following.
1. Exercise Regularly
Exercising helps people suffering from anxiety because;
● It gets rid of negative thoughts and negative energy
● It increases mental endurance
● It helps in dealing with depression
Some of the best outdoor exercises for anxiety include the following.
1. Jogging
2. Cycling
3. Swimming
4. Light morning and evening walks
5. Yoga
2. Deep Breathing Practice
The one common complaint by people dealing with anxiety is ‘shallow breathing’. Thus, working on the correct breathing pattern – known as Deep breathing/Belly breathing/Diaphragmatic breathing – offers great relief. It helps the patient when under the influence of an ongoing panic attack. The reasons that breathing can help alleviate anxiety and placate nerves are listed below.
● More oxygen supply to the body and brain cells increase alertness
● Focusing on breathing is a mental exercise that diverts attention from restlessness instantly
Some other long-term anxiety management and panic reduction tips include;
● Proper sleep of 8 hours
● A healthy diet
● No-smoking pact